Nothing earth-shattering. Just busyness from 3 kids and a house. I haven't been reading blogs or blogging and I've given up facebook for a while.
I've made a quilt and working on a second one. Andrew decorated the house for my birthday - we've been experimenting with our new silhouette machine. We've been watching Downton Abbey. Lucy's lost a couple of baby teeth. Felicity is standing. Henry is ...well vomiting.
We've had valentines day and the associated present giving (school, preschool and playgroup).
For my birthday we went (all 5) to the Melting Pot for fondue, then Andrew and I went to Manna, and then I went out with Erica and Susie to Brixx pizza.
I've been planning Flissy's birthday party, planning Lucy's birthday party, uploading 2011 photos, thinking about Hawaii, thinking about Australia.
I've planned our Easter activities and the Easter baskets are ready and wrapped.
I'm sure there's more but you get the picture. It's a creative hive here at the moment.