Wednesday 10 October 2007

More Amlish

I thought as we spent more time here we would blend more into American culture and not notice any more differences. Wrong! Here are some more words that require translation:

every other week = fortnight

fall = autumn

snaps = press studs

mums = chysanthemums

take out = take away

I can't stop saying nappy, jumper and dummy. These words are so ingrained in my mind that I can't convert on the fly and offer no translation to my listeners. One day I may say pacifier and sweater but I think I have changed too many nappies to say diapers!

1 comment:

dr maya vale said...

my understanding is that you probably won't start using amlish words in your everyday language until you return to australia...

now there's something to look forward to! have you managed to avoid picking up the drawl or is it... too late'?