Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Plenty of action, not a lot to report

As the title tells you there is a lot going on around here. It's mostly planning however plus dentist visits, treadmill workouts and long hours at work. All four birthdays are in the next 6 months, plus Easter, Henry's baptism, and family visits. That means that we're gearing up for these things. We're also planning our garden for the summer and we're starting work again on our recipe database. We're also going to our weekly playdates, bible study and church and hoping to start a small group. It's fairly chaotic but I have a big notepad on the bench to keep track of most of my thoughts. To add to our Kafkaesque nightmare our Australian drivers licences have expired and we're working through that paperwork too. I'm trying to focus on the fun planning. So if I'm not blogging its because there is other stuff going on (or maybe I've drowned in the sea of multiple tax returns, licences and visa) I think I need a secretary. Applications being accepted.

1 comment:

BKR said...

haha can i apply for the position?! :) and are you thinking of starting a couples small group or what?