Friday, 29 April 2011

Andrew's birthday

Andrew's last day off work was also his birthday. We celebrated with presents, food and fun.

Lucy and HEnry headed off to preschool and when Andrew arrived home he went back to bed and napped until it was time to pick them up again (3 hours!)

He received lots of presents including a hammock, a griddle for the bbq, a tshirt that says 'i void warranties', a board game called Airships, a teapot and a star trek pizza cutter.

For lunch we had lamb gyros and for dinner we had lamb cutlets followed by a pavlova. Due to scheduling difficulties he had to cook his own dinner.

Andrew and Lucy made fresh strawberry ice cream from the strawberries we picked at Lewis farms the day before.

He says that he had a very fun day!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Introducing Baby # 3

We praise God for the safe and healthy birth of

Felicity Dahlia

Born on 19 April 2011 at 1:09am

weighing 4.0kg (8lbs 15oz) and measuring 53 cm (21 inches)

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Monday, 11 April 2011

Lucy's 5th birthday party

Lucy had a very fun flamingo party to celebrate her upcoming 5th birthday. We even put some flamingos in our front yard.

Although it was supposed to be hot and sunny, it turned out to be cold and cloudy but it didn't rain! (So I ended up with a super clean house afterwards and being 38 weeks pregnant I didn't feel the cold at all)

We set up the bouncy house in the backyard and the kids played on the swings and in the sandpit.

Then we painted ladybug moneyboxes (the party favours) which kept the kids quiet for a good 15 minutes.

For lunch we ate wood-fired pizza, blackberries, fairy bread and chips washed down with flamingo juice. This was followed by flamingo cupcakes.

Henry loves the pizza oven and always spends lots of time near the fire trying to help.

Lucy says a big thank you to her friends Lilia, Grace, Karlie, Ava, Emma M, Samantha, Emma P, and Emma T for making her party so much fun!

After naps Lucy opened her presents and to much delight found lots of craft projects to do.

Monday, 4 April 2011


I know its been a while.

We've been at birthday parties, working on our garden, and going to Raleigh.

I've been batch cooking everyday to get a stack of meals ready in the freezer. Andrew bought an upright freezer from Costco the other week before our trip to Trader Joe's. [Can I just say how much better an upright freezer is over a chest freezer?] It is now full of meals and each day I'm adding a few more as I cook. The kids enjoyed playing in the freezer box!

Lucy & Henry's scrapbooks
are up to date! I've reduced my current reading pile from 5 to 3 and resisting the temptation to add more.

The baby is less than 3 weeks away! The cross stitch is in progress. I'm watching a lot of movies on Netflix to try and get it done and soon we'll be converting to an 'instant-only' membership. No bibs sewn at this point.

The baby is healthy and on Wednesday was measured at 7lbs and 9oz. Head already 33cm.

Here's some photos from the past few weeks:

Top Left: Both in the naughty corner for hair pulling. Top Right: Cooking home-made wontons.

Bottom left: Marbles Children's Museum in Raleigh. Bottom Right: Nudie dancing