(in reverse order)
We are back in Wilmington NC. Unpacking, washing and fixing the air conditioner. It's going to take a while to get back to 'normal' but it's okay with us to extend the vacation at home and eat ice cream for breakfast tomorrow.
After a LONG walk along the boardwalk, splashing in the water and enjoying picadillo beef stuffed plantains at mojitos, we are staying up to watch the fireworks. Kids enjoyed some carnival rides and beachwalking. We are loving VB.
Just drove through the Chesapeake bay tunnel, an engineering marvel, and soon we'll be in Virginia beach. Farewell ocean city Maryland, city of drunk college students and beach advertising. We're glad to be heading home.
Kids easily pleased. Perfect vacation = hotel pool + dinner at cracker barrel. Tick.
Just saw the liberty bell (through an outer window) ho hum. Then walked to reading terminal market. WOW! Foodie paradise. Ate at DiNics and gazed at all the wonderful foods we wished we could buy. My picks: lamb crown, fresh pressed cider and smoked ham hocks.
Had planned to have an awesome Chinese feast in Philly tonight. Things haven't worked out timing wise so we are somewhere in Jersey at a chick-fil-a and I couldn't be significantly happier.
In nj. These state changes are making my head spin. Just left Lucy the elephant in margate city. Lucy the girl loved meeting Lucy the elephant who is 125 years older than her but still looking good. 2 children asleep and neither is called Lucy except by mistake!!
Please touch children's museum in Philly is awesome if not expensive ($76 for 4 of us, ouch!) hooray we've got to 27 states AND got our passports.
We're in Wilmington! DE that is, not NC. Barely made it with all the screaming, kicking and non sleeping children. About to hit the iron hill brewery and stroll the riverwalk.
We are on the road and we've made it to our first new state-west Virginia! Ate lunch at the country cafe in harpers ferry where the king of Jordan visited in 2009.
Heat + crowds + hotel room beds = screaming children in national air and space museum. Thankfully back on the road tomorrow in an air conditioned car. However first we are having ice cream sundaes for dinner at serendipity.
On a dinner date with #1 daughter at firefly. Kids decorate their own cookie during appetizer which is baked and served for dessert. Me, I'm having a glass of red, my first in a very long time. Trust that my other family is doing ok in the hotel room with some tj specials.
Now I know felicity is appropriately named. She just laughed in her sleep. Oh so fun!
Blueberry waffles and ice-cream for breakfast. We must be on holidays!! First stop this morning - the Australian embassy. Then on to the butterfly pavilion at the natural history museum.
Professional mama this afternoon. Comforting various tired thoms children at various times. Different location but same vocation.
Cool mint tea and a salmon bento box at teaism. Only 1 child crying.
Henry was hysterically happy to see all the pots in Julia child's kitchen at the museum of American history. Pots! Pots! POTS!!
We can see trader joes from our hotel window!
146 miles to dc. We're listening to Charlie and the chocolate factory and eating chocolate coated almonds. Wouldnt mind an everlasting gobstopper right now