All that sounds pretty bad but we were still able to turn out a couple of okay pizzas. First course was a pesto pizza (with home grown basil!), second was a more traditional pizza with cheese, ham, tomatoes and corn and lastly we had a dessert pizza, half with nutella and banana and half with peaches and honey. The main issue with the pizza was that the base was soft and not always cooked (a sign the oven wasn't hot enough) Andrew was happy with his secret dough receipe but there are still some cooking techniques to be perfected.
Also we have to get some tools as I am not allowing my springform cake tins to be used anymore nor is it wise to be using a spade as a pizza peel. We also have to get a supply of firewood as the couple of bags from HT we grabbed were mouldy.
There's still a lot of construction to be done but at last we have reache
an exciting milestone!
Congratulations on a job well done.
Oh yay!!!
thats so awesome guys. we hope your new friends appreciate it as much as we did!
what time saturday morning is this? judging by andrew's hair it's early :) hope you get some helpful pizza slaves until you can get a rolling machine :)
hurray! congrats! pizza time!
YAY!!! I'll be wearing my Andrew's Pizza shirt today to celebrate the opening of APW... great stuff.
The place I buy my pizza from at the moment still hasn't worked out how to not send out pizzas with a soggy base... maybe I need to get my pizza imported from NC?
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