Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll last week! The clear winner was 'Go back to our honeymoon spot (Brampton Island, Australia near the Great Barrier Reef)'. Unfortunately we won't be able to get back there this year, nor will we get to Hawaii. All spare money is being coralled for the pizza oven and its accessories. I'm hoping for our 20th wedding anniversary we can get back to Greece. Maybe I should start a travel fund now so that it becomes a reality!
And speaking of the pizza oven, the dome has been completed, except for a small hole at the top for a light. Andrew had to climb inside (yes through that small hole) to chip off lots of mortar at the top that had seeped through. He's now working on the second arch at the front. Then there's a lot of metal work, the rest of the brickwork, the tiling, the stonework etc etc. There's lots more to be done! However going to bed at 2am every night is not good for anyone, nor does it make for a happy home life so we may not make it to Greece if this continues for much longer!
Over the weekend we managed to squeeze in Cooper's 2nd birthday party. Lucy insisted that she give him the present and then promptly ran away from him. She ate lots of hot dogs, chips and cupcake icing but she especially liked the take-home party favour bags full of balls, bubbles and balloons. Happy birthday Cooper!
I've been meaning to ask/write - has one of you self-taught yourself cad? Or did you get someone to draw this up for you (house extrusions and all)? What program is it done on?
Ben and I both enjoyed the perspectives at any rate - nice work! Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
you guys are looking more and more settled over there. don't get too comfortable as we are looking forward to Andrew's Pizza Sutherland starting up again!!
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