1. Lamb cake for Easter Sunday. Made with wholewheat flour and stevia, covered in whipped cream to make it diabetic friendly. It was yuk!
2. Easter basket full of lamb goodies. The highlight for Lucy was a Hello Kitty handbag.
3. Pizza oven progress!!
4. Daddy and Lucy enjoying dinner outside (lamb roast of course)
5. Mummy and Lucy
6. Our memory verse John 3:16

We attended our church's sunrise service at Wrightsville beach which was really fun. Lucy got dressed for the service in 1 minute at 5:30am! The incentive? A chocolate. We saw the huge orange ball rise up at 5:45am just after we had finished a communion service. Lucy was adamant that she wanted to go swimming, that is until she dipped her finger in the water!
Alexis, Tim and Lilia came over for brunch. Apart from the burnt bacon, we had an awesome time. We dined outside with eggs, toast, muesli, muffins and fruit.
Andrew made huge progress on the pizza oven and Lucy got to spend a couple of hours playing in the backyard with her dad (of course there were minor injuries!)
Once again like last year we didn't make hot cross buns and we didn't go to church on Good Friday - no churches hold services and for most people it is not a holiday.
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