We have hung a cross shaped wreath on our front door. Wreathes are a big deal here in the US. Most houses have them and people change them with the holidays (Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day etc) but I rarely see an Easter themed one that is not about eggs, bunnies and chickens.
We have also hung a flag over our garage. Again flags are a big deal and also reflect the holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July etc) Ours says 'Christ has risen' and has a picture of a cross with purple linen hung across it, a rising sun and a lamb.

This year Lucy painted and 'stickered' a cardboard box to hold the Easter books. Lucy loves to read so each year I add a few books to our collection and now we have a good number of them.
If you want details then send me an email.

The resurrection eggs tell the Bible story of Easter through objects. Each egg contains something that explains the story (eg coins, thorns, cross, nail) and a bible verse.
This year over 12 days after bath time we are going to hide one egg a day throughout the house. When Lucy finds it we will review the story.

At breakfast each day we read selected bible passages that tell the story of the whole world until Jesus.
At the start of the week 7 candles are lit. By Good Friday all candles are blown out. On Easter Sunday we light all 7 again and celebrate saying 'He is risen'.
- Lucy has some colouring projects - a sign that says 'He is risen!' and a New Testament minibook
- At preschool Lucy has an Easter show and lunch for the parents
- Making hot cross buns (maybe third year lucky on this one)
- Lamb roast dinner
- Henry's baptism
- Lamb baskets on Easter Sunday. Each year it is a challenge to find lamb themed goods. I did pretty well this year but not sure how long this can continue! This year some of the items are: a lamb teether, lamb booties, lamb slippers, soft toy lambs, a lamb rattle and a lamb place mat.
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