Friday, 23 July 2010


And thus ends the blogging of our trip to the SouthWest. Now I need to get the photobooks finished. There's no time for scrapbooking so I'm going digital all the way! I may put together a video of the photos and movies we took but it will be a few weeks away before that happens and I'll post it up when it's done. There is so much to reflect on and enjoy.

Now I'm going to sit back a little while from blogging and enjoy the summer before we need to get back into the regular routine.

In the meantime send me an email to say hi. I haven't had many comments lately - has anyone been following along?


Julie said...

Hi Fiona,
I'm following along, but since I use a feed reader the comment box isn't there and I often just don't think to jump to the blog to write something.
I've enjoyed learning about the places you've visited - sounds like you had a great vacation!

dianethoms said...

Hi Fiona,
I'm also following and have really enjoyed reading about your adventures. Thanks for taking the time to give us snapshot of your busy life in USA

Unknown said...

Hey. I understand the need for a break but will be (im)patiently waiting for you to come back. I rarely comment as it sounds awesome what you're doing and back here life plods on. That and it's not easy commenting from my phone which is the only way I keep up with the site.