Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Product of the week - Teff flour

Monday, 28 April 2008
Andrew's birthday weekend

The weekend was jam packed with fun activities to celebrate Andrew's birthday and most of them revolved around food. We breakfasted at Cracker Barrel (Kaka bawell) with maple syrup pancakes before heading over to Lewis Farms to pick strawberries. The farm is 3 minutes from our house!! Lucy was strategically dressed in a pink t-shirt and had a ball picking strawberries and eating them. After picking
Dinner saw us at Marc's on Market (2 minutes away) for a wonderful 3 course meal. Lucy is a true gourmet happily dipping her bread in a fruity olive oil and then eating pizza with chicken, rosemary and olives.
Sunday lunch was a home cooked lamb roast, which was Andrew's first taste of lamb for the weekend! It was followed by a lemon layer cake comprising of 4 layers of cake, 3 layers of lemon curd, swathed in a meringue icing - an awesome Andrew combination.
We finished off the weekend with some yard work. I didn't say gardening because it was mostly digging and pruning. I'll tell you about some of our projects another day.
To finish up Andrew is looking forward to picking out his birthday present - a bbq!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Doctors, Dentists and Chiropractors, oh my!
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
I spoke too soon...
Lucy is starting gymnastics tomorrow. This is to help her learn how to jump. The latest effort is standing on tippy toes, arms reaching for the stars and grunting. Despite the effort she's not leaving the floor!
Product of the week will resume next week. I ran out stored up blog entries and haven't been to Walmart since. In fact I've decided except for dire emergency not to go to Walmart ever again. I watched the documentary called 'The high price of low price' and was astounded at the exploitation of the Walmart staff, the Chinese factory workers, and the environment. As a consumer if you can buy things so cheaply there and nowhere else you have to ask how are they doing it. They are killing main street America and small independent businesses. Conversely Disneyland has built a main street in their theme park in Florida to preserve this piece of history!
Enough miscellaneous musings. Thanks to everyone that commented or sent emails, I feel loved again. And although we may be celebrating Anzac day with gusto we aren't going back to Oz anytime soon, but thanks for asking Channah.
Friday, 18 April 2008
this crazy American life (with added summer heat)
Everyday seems to be crazy busy. This morning Lucy and I were out checking on our 'Hands on Wilmington' project for tomorrow and then went to mom's group. Andrew is at work and due to a power outtage is coming home a little early today. This is great as he has been working so much this week he has hardly seen Lulu. He is picking up the car from the mechanic (they are fixing whatever they broke last week) and then we are going to put the sprinkler out in the backyard. It is 85 degrees and I guess spring is over and we are into summer!!!!!
So we should have 2 problems fixed and hopefully some of the other ones will also be over soon.
On a side note Andrew got an Outback as the loaner car (he was so excited!) The tribeca is an awesome car but it feels like driving a spaceship. The impreza is also awesome but so small here that it feels like driving a go-kart. The outback is somewhere in between but it has a lot more shortcomings than Andrew could remember. I showed him that it has far less space than the tribeca (ie Lucy would kick the seat in front mercilessly), no GPS and no reversing camera (a luxury I know!). It also has a small boot. Anyway he is giving it back today and will drive the tribeca tomorrow so we'll see what he thinks. Personally I love driving the impreza during the day so I am enjoying it now as we when we get back to Oz there is no way we could have one (insurance cost, stolen every other week etc)
That's all, off to frolic in the backyard!
PS Why doesn't anyone comment anymore?? Take a minute and say hi!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Good American food
- Sweet Georgia Brown
- Hoppin' john
- Fried okra
- Shrimp and grits
- Cheese sandwich with fruit
Okay I'll give you Lucy's lunch, the cheese sandwich, but the rest is pure Southern style food. And it was very good and we very much enjoy it! And we will miss our creamy grits when we move back to Oz.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Product of the week - Triple Succotash

On a side note, the fridge is still broken. The GE repairman returned on Monday to say its last rites. After a lot of anxiety due to the fridge being 15 months old, and thus out of warranty, GE agreed to replace the fridge with just a $100 delivery charge. To downgrade to a different model that would fit in the space better would cost an additional $400! I don't understand and I don't care so long as we have an operational fridge. We need to wait another week for delivery so we are living out of a new bar fridge and a new deep freezer (total cost for both $350).
Monday, 14 April 2008
Azalea Festival Weekend
We celebrated the 61st Azalea Festival on the weekend. The main event is the parade down 3rd street from 9am -12pm. So we dressed up in some pretty spring dresses and arrived just after 9. We got caught in a traffic jam, paid $5 to park in a vacant lot(!) and then wandered through the thousands on people lining 3rd street to get to our bleacher seats (we purchases tickets thanks to the GE social committee). There were hundreds of floats that cruised past carrying beauty queens, princesses, dancing troupes and cartoon characters. There were school marching bands, motorbikes, vintage cars, trains, horses and clowns. Pretty much anyone with a car and a desire to parade was allowed to, so there was the unusual entry of 4 average looking cars advertising bond bailing services (i wrote the phone number down for the next time i am arrested) Lucy's favourites were the several fire trucks that went past with sirens blaring. We had a great time waving and clapping but the best bit was that Lucy enjoyed it so much she sat relatively still for almost 2 hours and then we headed off to explore.
The other unusal aspect to this whole event was the number of beauty queens/princesses/junior queens/tiny princesses that were involved. There would have been at least 30 'winners' of various beauty pageants. There was the Shrimp queen, the Christmas queen, the Castle Hayne Queen and the list goes on and on. What is the motivation for entering such a competition? I hope they win some scholarship money. It was scary that many little girls were dressed with lots of makeup and tiaras and made to look like women. I discussed this whole thing with someone and they said that this only happens in the South. Not sure if this is true given that i saw an ad for the Miss America competition being shown live during prime time across the nation.
After the parade we headed down to the riverfront and browsed the stalls, drinking Port City Java, and then stopped off for lunch at a little cafe. We had a fabulous time and were sorry we had missed out last year having only just gotten off the boat. Next year we'll try and do one of the garden tours at a Southern mansion.
Friday, 11 April 2008
The fridge is still broken...
The fridge is broken AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Note to self: never ever buy GE electrical appliances.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
1 year later
Here are some of the differences we've encountered:
- using inches, feet, miles, ounces, pounds and farenheit
- driving on the other side of the road
- corn syrup
- different pronounciations (eg 'erbs' for 'herbs')
- words with different meanings (eg telling someone to put something on the bench in the kitchen will be met with quizzical looks)
- free shipping
- cheap electronics
- obsession with new consumer goods
- big gas-guzzling cars
- no foothpaths and no walking
- Southern friendliness
- lack of public transportation
- ridiculous formality for visiting friends
- culinary ignorance (are these pine nuts?)
- bulk buying
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Product of the week - Coastal Carolina Coffee Beans (Decaf)

On a slightly different note it is amazing how much people love Starbucks here. The moms in my moms group were complaining that there were no drive through Starbucks close to their houses! I told them that friends don't let friends drink Starbucks and they just ignored me.
Monday, 7 April 2008
Life in general (with confetti thrown in)
Our family is reunited and blogging has now resumed.

Spring is a wonderful time of year here in Wilmington. Most gardens are planned around this season and as such there are explosions of pink and purple in every garden as the azaleas start to bloom. Next week is the Azalea festival, the biggest social event in Wilmington. Who will be crowned the queen of the festival? I'm holding my breath (well not really) but I am looking forward to visiting the first farmers market for the year.

On Saturday we had a grill next door with Sam & Sheila and on Sunday we celebrated Julian's second birthday. Juju is one of Lucy's best friends and we attended his birthday party at Ogden park. Happy birthday Tuba!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Product of the Week - Pigs Feet
Pigs Feet.
Edible Pigs Feet.
According to Wikipedia "Pickled pigs feet are usually consumed as something of a snack or a delicacy rather than as the primary focus of a meal as its meat course, although this is not a universal rule. If proper refrigeration is available, any unused portion can be kept in the jar for several days after it is opened. Often they will be consumed with crackers. Although long available commercially, particularly in grocery stores catering to consumers who are likely to have a preference for them, it seems that consumption of this product has declined in recent years due to changing tastes, health concerns, and the ready availability of other snacks."
We obviously live in an area that appreciates this sort of delicacy.
It is too gross to post a picture. If you want to see a jar then google it!