Thursday, 29 May 2008
Travel Moment 4 - Driving from Las Vegas to Yosemite

Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Travel Moment 3 - Lake Mead
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
Travel Moment 1 - Architectural cruise in Chicago

Friday, 23 May 2008

It is the Outer Banks where the Wright Brothers first made flight, where Black Beard the pirate reigned and is the location of the 2007 beach of the year as judged by "Mr Beach" (Ocracoke beach) It is also home of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse, the international symbol of North Carolina. In short it is a jewel in the crown for our state and many many tourists venture here each year. This was the number one place on our travel list whilst here in the US as we would be kicking ourselves if we moved back to Australia without experiencing this place at least once.
We are staying at a house (above) almost on the beach. Given that is not school holidays yet we managed to get this house for a good price and we're looking forward to falling asleep to the sound of the waves. Blogging will continue next week so keep checking in. To keep with the traveling theme I'm going to post some photos showing some awesome holiday spots around the US.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Garden project 5: Pizza oven
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Garden project 4: Flower garden

You'll have to wait for late summer for some better photos as there isn't much to see yet (though there is nice promising growth especially with the ice plants at the front flowering) We do have a red hot poker that has grown in another bed and it is gradually changing from green to orange to red.
Here is the planting list:
- black eyed susans
- pink coneflowers
- green rudbeckias
- ice plants
- butterfly bushes
- red hot pokers
- purple liatris
- diamond grass
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Product of the week - Iron Chef General Tso's sauce

Monday, 19 May 2008
Rose garden

Continuing the garden theme of last week here is an update on our roses. Our now famous yellow rosebush has yielded 67 roses in just five weeks. We moved into this house in June so we missed this initial crop last year. However the bush blooms until September so we are looking forward to many more sweet smelling flowers. I have given these roses to lots of people and each time people are amazed at their wonderful scent. They also look so perfect that people think they aren't real until they smell them (or a bug flies out).
We also have a couple of other rosebushes including the white ones on the trellises (the technical botanical name), the red one and the pink one (transplanted from the back and doing extremely well). Our dianthus plants bloomed (and died) over the past month with pink and purple flowers which made our garden smell very sweet.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Garden project 3: Shady garden

Thursday, 15 May 2008
Garden project 2: Herb garden

Someone remarked at Lucy's party that it looks like a pizza which is very ironic as the primary purpose of the herbs is to make great pizza! Photo 1: you can see the orange flags marking out the circle, Photo 2: cow manure and soil in situ, Photo 3: completed herb garden (without mulch)
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Garden project 1: White cedar border

Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Product of the week - Strawberry Fanta

Monday, 12 May 2008
Happy birthday mothers day
I was given a lovely pancake breakfast in bed! All three of us crawled into bed together for breakfast and whilst there were a few pancake crumbs in the sheets everything worked out surprisingly well and there wasn't maple syrup dripping from the ceiling! We did lots of gardening, mostly weeding and mulching before heading off for dinner at Kornerstone pizza (a wood fired pizza restaurant)
While at Kornerstone there was a tornado warning for our area of New Hanover! The skies were black. I mean really really black. There were loads of lightning strikes and menacing thunder rumbles. Suddenly there was sideways rain. Two minutes later the rain had stopped, the clouds had cleared and there was blue sky and sunshine! It was totally weird but fascinating. Andrew took a photo of the clouds when we got home. Look at the amazing light show we had!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Den of snakes
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Product of the week - Australian wines

Thankfully this same wine shop is able to supply us with the amber coloured 2003 Noble One botrytis so not all is lost!
Monday, 5 May 2008
An AWESOME weekend!!
Our 'big girl' is now 2 years old. We had an AWESOME birthday weekend spent at the beach, gardening, at church and having a pool party in the backyard. It was so fun and so easy! God kept the thunderstorms at bay until Monday afternoon (and now our backyard is totally flooded). We ate home-made strawberry ice cream, drank wine and soaked in the 30 degree heat (85F). As I mentioned earlier the theme of the party was butterflies. So there was a butterfly sign out the front, a butterfly wreath on the door, butterfly napkins(!) and plates, and of course a butterfly cake. The party favors (lolly bags) were butterfly handbags with butterfly stamps and paraphenalia for the girls and bug boxes for the boys. Lucy spent most of the party eating! She says hi to Gabriel, Julian, Caleb, Rachel, Ava, Samantha, Baxter, Abigail, Aidan, and Rory. Also happy birthday to Mr Dave!
Friday, 2 May 2008
2 more days until 2 years old

Thursday, 1 May 2008
More Amlish
bangs = fringe
bathing suit = swimming costume
Here are some new pronounications:
oregano is pronounced oreg-a-no not ore-ganobaton is pronounced ba-ton not bat-on
basil is pronounced bay-sil not bas-il
herbs is pronounced erbs
Barossa was pronounced Ba-row-sa not Ba-ross-a (I corrected this at the wine shop!)
And in other news when we were at Subway Andrew said 'tomaytoes' not tomatoes. I was so embarrassed! He claimed it was so that the person could understand him more easily. I quickly countered with the fact that I said tomatoes and was perfectly understood. However I had to say oreg-a-no after saying oreg-ano twice did not work. Aaaahhhhhh! I thought flashing lights would turn on and someone would jump out and say 'You're on candid camera' but the reality was far more tame and no one else noticed my mortification.