Sunday, 15 April 2007

Myrtle Grove Evangelical Presbyterian Church

We attended MGEPC this morning. We got there at 10am for morning tea which included dunkin’ donuts! People were friendly and invited us to various things going on during the week. After morning tea Lucy went into the well-appointed nursery and we got a pager in case we were needed. The service itself was interesting with lots of singing (about 7 songs all up) with a great youth band (3 guitars + drums + piano) led by 5 singers. Everyone clapped and a couple of people put their hands in the air. The words were on the screen but behind them they had moving pictures of clouds, a thorn crown, a cross with a swinging bandage etc. A little strange compared to HPC! The sermon was on God being a jealous God. It was hard to tell if they are doing a series on Exodus or a topic or just random! It may have been random as the 'Azalea princess' and her court were attending church this week as part of the Azalea festival. Next week they have a mission team going to Spain to work with drug addicts. They have a signpost out the front of the church with a sign for each missionary saying how far away they are and in which direction. So all up it is an interesting place. We are going to do new member classes (starting next Sunday) to check them out a bit more.

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